Friday, August 26, 2011

What is love?

oleh Juan Mahaganti pada 22 April 2011 jam 11:14
Have you ever asked this question? Some people will say I’m a stupid for asking this, moreover to try very hard to find the answer. But the conversation with a family guy type of friend sometime ago gives me the hunch above the answer. He said, “you know man, I am willing die for my family. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them. NOTHING.” Latter on I realize, “well, hang on. Who needs who here? You need them, or logically it seems, they need you, not the other way round.” I ask, then he replied, “no, I need them. I don’t know why I need them, just need them. For whatever reason, but I am what I am because of them. There is no use of me to be anywhere without them. I will die for them if I have to” (he repeats that statement).
Then I realize what love is. Love is, needing someone without any particular reason, but the existence of that person in our life. I don’t know why I need my mom, and why she needs me. And why I always need everyone that I love, more than my employer needs me every working day? Logically, it is crazy. You need someone without a reason? That’s insanity. Yet we do it. Why? We could never found out why. And that is love. Love is when two parties, decide to be powerless upon each other. It is when these two people -whoever they are, couples, mom and her kid, friends- decide to sign a “non binding contract” without any duress, that they will need each other, without ANY REASON AT ALL, which is an unreasonable contract.
Then some people ask: “why God sacrifice Himself for us, the rebellious creature?” Why Jesus have to die? Well, my answer is, God love us, because God is love. Then you can pursue a more “logical” reason: “well, at least there must be a more logical answer for that. God will never do something without purpose.” My answer is; “well, the reason is love. And He loves us. Isn’t it enough to explain why a father willing to die for his children? If we human created with this feeling, can we expect also for sure our Creator have the same attribute?”
I think, love is enough to make everything reasonable. Why should I share the same bed with a same woman for the rest of my life? How can I didn’t feel gross when I share the toothbrush with her? Why my mom work the rest of his life for a little creature name Juan Mahaganti? And what am I and what that I’ve done until my mom said that I am her diamonds, ruby, and the most precious thing she ever had? Why my friend is willing to die for his family, and said he needs them, while in fact, he supports them and they need him for daily bread? Why Jesus Christ have to die? All this crazy questions can be answer simply by one word: Love.
Like The Beatles sung it: “when nothing you can do that can’t be done, and nothing you can sing that can’t be sung, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.” And I tell you, everything will be reasonable. So, ladies and gentlemen, a fine specimen of my facebook friend who have a time and enough intelligence to read through this seemingly unnecessary writing, LOVE one another, and Love God, but remember, He loves us at the first place. HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY, AND EASTER EVERYONE. SHARE SOME LOVE TODAY. Call your mom and tell her how much you love her. Call your daddy then do the same thing. Visit your sisters, and brothers. Then remember your friends. Make a good relation. Oh, I’m starting to speak gibberish…. Ok. Have a Nice Day Everyone.

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